Last Day in Kyoto! Go big or go home!

Technically I'm doing both...I'm going big AND I'm going home.

Last full day in Japan! Can you believe it? I've been here for 3 weeks. In some ways it feels much longer than that because I have done SO MUCH! What an incredible adventure I've been on and today was no different.

I tried to sleep in but my internal clock is set for 5:30-6:00 a.m. and that didn't change in Japan. I had breakfast and was out the door early to beat the heat and the crowds. Since everything I wanted to do today was within 1-2 miles from the hotel, I didn't take any public transportation today. I just walked it.

Do you remember the walk I took the first day in Kyoto? That's the direction I headed to see my final two destinations.

It was so quiet and hordes of tourists to make my way through.
There it is, Hokan-ji Temple, aka the Yasaka Pagoda. It is 46 meters tall (that's about 151 feet) and it's only about a 10 minute walk from the inn. Initially built in 589, it was said it was inspired by a dream. The temple was not accessible so I had to just take some photos and be happy with that.

Then I came around a corner....there they are!!

Heading up to the next temple, way up the hill, was where I began to see the crowds. Today it included groups of students so I had to quickly make my way around because they tend to walk slowly and in herds.

In the distance I saw my last temple of the trip...Kiyomizu-dera Temple. This is one amazing temple to end this trip with.

 Oh I do love me some dragons!!

At this point I was already pretty high up above the city. I had walked about 25 minutes uphill to get to the entrance.

 Kiyomizu-Dera is over 1200 years old and stands on Mt. Otowa. Visitors come to pay their respect to Kannon, a deity of great mercy and compassion. The name means "Pure Water Temple" and is one of the most visited temples in Kyoto.

 Wow! I'm going up there!

Before heading up the mountain I headed up some STAIRS (sweet Buddha) to see the Love Stone.

I tried it but there were many people around and it felt a bit strange closing my eyes to do this. So much for love in my future!

This god is in charge of love and good matches. What is this?  This whole area was about fortunes and wishes coming true. I'm good...I'll go hike instead.
 I kept going up and up toward that building on the hill and saw this...Seikanji Temple? Detour!

Through the gate and up and up I went past a little residential area and moss covered perfection.

 I kept going up and up.....

 Sigh....more stairs....

And there, at the top of the mountain, was this precious little temple with absolutely no one else in site.
 Seikanji Temple was founded in 802 and it was once a famous place for poets. Apparently many poems have been written in admiration of the beauty of the cherry blossoms and fallen leaves in autumn.

There's a view of Kyoto WAY OFF in the distance.

I made my way back down the hill with birds chirping, lush green around every corner and such beauty!

 This is the building you see in the distance in the photo above. This three-storied pagoda called Koyasu is believed to give you an easy and safe childbirth.
On the way back you also pass the Otowa Waterfall where water pours down into three separate streams and you can use a cup to drink the water from Otowa Mountain. I believe that different streams bring you different, longevity and success. It is expected that you only pick one so you are not considered greedy by the gods.

 The grounds and gardens are all maintained by hand. Crazy and incredible!

I made my way back down the mountain, back through the shopping district, passed the pagoda and back to reality. That's it. This is my last temple visit in Kyoto! I'm done.

Or so I thought...One more thing...On my way to finding dinner I ended up walking down the famous geisha sighting street at the perfect time. Karma! Geishas...real honest to goodness geishas. I saw people lining the street but didn't think anything of it until I heard running behind me and saw her coming. I had my phone in my hand so was able to snap this photo.

 They kept coming. I absolutely love this little group. I was standing in the perfect spot.

I couldn't have asked for a better ending to an incredible trip. Wow!
Arigato gozaimasu!
Sayonara Kyoto!


  1. safe travels home !!! I have loved reading all of your posts. you are a great traveller!


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